Saturday, August 9, 2008

AIX has login via the serial console

AIX has login via the serial console disabled as a default. So you need both a suitable serial cable and to change some AIX settings. If you don't have an original IBM serial cable you might use a the standard one. Access the server with a VT100 Term configured at 9600-8-N-1. Start server, choose the right console by pressing the number that is displayed on your screen and then get into maintenance mode by pressing "5" after the word "keyboard" appears on the screen (if you don't see anything you got the wrong cable or chose the wrong console before). Then access a rootvg, start a shell and mount rootvg (writing from memory but these steps are being offerd by menu). When you got the root shell export TERM=vt100. Open SMIT, choose devices and then the TTY in question. Change the following parameters:
* enable LOGIN - enable (switch)
* STTY attributes for RUN time - clocal (add)
* STTY attributes for LOGIN - clocal (add)
* Apply changes to Database only - yes (set)

Exit smit and reboot. The server should come up and let you log in via the console.

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