Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How to find/display your MAC Address: Unix/Linux/Windows/Mac

  • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
  • Type "ifconfig -a"
  • From the displayed information, find eth0 (this is the default first Ethernet adapter)
  • Locate the number next to the HWaddr. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00:08:C7:1B:8C:02.
Example "ifconfig -a" output:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:C7:1B:8C:02
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

...additional output removed...

  • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
  • Type "/sbin/ifconfig -a"
  • From the displayed information, find the Ethernet adapter (it will probably be called le0 or ie0)
  • Locate the number next to ether. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 0:3:ba:26:1:b0 -- leading zeros are removed. For this example, the actual MAC Address would be 00:03:ba:26:01:b0.
Example "ifconfig -a" output:
le0: flags=863 mtu 1500
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:26:1:b0

  • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
  • Type "ifconfig -a"
  • From the displayed information, find the Ethernet adapter (the name changes based on the Ethernet card installed)
  • Locate the number next to the HWaddr. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00:08:C7:1B:8C:02.
(Using the command"dmesg"will also display the MAC address -- along with a lot of other information)
Example "ifconfig -a" output:
ed0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
ether 00:08:C7:1B:8C:02

...additional output removed...

  • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
  • Type "netstat -in"
  • From the displayed information, find the Ethernet adapter (the name changes based on the Ethernet card installed)
  • Locate the number below Address. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00:08:c7:1b:8c:02.
Example "netstat -in" output:
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Colls
fxp0 1500 00:08:c7:1b:8c:02 4112773 0 224501 0 0

...additional output removed...

  • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
  • Type "ndstat"
  • From the displayed information, find net0 (this is the default first Ethernet adapter)
  • Locate the number below MAC Address in use. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00:00:c0:88:0a:2e.
Example "ndstat" output:
Device MAC address in use Factory MAC Address
------ ------------------ -------------------
/dev/net0 00:00:c0:88:0a:2e 00:00:c0:88:0a:2e

...additional output removed...

  • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
  • Type "/usr/sbin/lanscan"
  • From the displayed information, find lan0 (this is the default first Ethernet adapter)
  • Locate the number below Address. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 0x000E7F0D81D6 -- the leading hexadecimal indicator should be removed. For this example, the actual MAC Address would be 00:0E:7F:0D:81:D6.
Example "lanscan" output:
Hardware Station Dev Hardware Net-Interface NM Encapsulation Mjr
Path Address lu State NameUnit State ID Methods Num
2.0.2 0x000E7F0D81D6 0 UP lan0 UP 4 ETHER 52

...additional output removed...

  • IRIX 4.01 or later
    • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
    • Type "netstat -ia"
    • From the displayed information, find the Ethernet adapter (the name changes based on the Ethernet card installed)
    • Locate the number below Address. This is your MAC address
  • Alternate Method
    • Typing "/etc/nvram eaddr" should also show the MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00:00:6b:71:1a:6a.
Example "netstat -ia" output:
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
ec0 1500 nowhere warum 6514913 10234 184317 0 13513
...additional output removed...

  • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
  • Type "/sbin/ifconfig -a"
  • From the displayed information, find the Ethernet adapter (it will probably be called le0 or ie0)
  • Locate the number next to ether. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 0:0:f:a1:75:a0 -- leading zeros are removed. For this example, the actual MAC Address would be 00:00:0f:a1:75:a0.
Example "ifconfig -a" output:
le0: flags=863 mtu 1500
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:0:f:a1:75:a0

  • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
  • Type "netstat -ia"
  • From the displayed information, find the Ethernet adapter (the name changes based on the Ethernet card installed)
  • Locate the number below Address. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00:09:6B:51:1f:79.
Example "netstat -ia" output:
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
ec0 1500 nowhere flotsam 5514233 11434 101317 0 14113
...additional output removed...

  • As the root user (or user with appropriate permissions)
  • Type "netstat -ia"
  • From the displayed information, find the Ethernet adapter (the name changes based on the Ethernet card installed)
  • Locate the number below Address. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of >00:00:F8:1a:73:da.
Example "netstat -ia" output:
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
ec0 1500 nowhere jetsam 5514233 11434 101317 0 14113
Windows NT/2000/2003/XP
  • Open the command prompt
  • From the command prompt type "ipconfig /all"
  • (If the information scrolls off the screen you can type "ipconfig /all|more")
  • Find the network adapter you want to know the MAC address of
  • Locate the number next to Physical Address. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00-02-2D-11-55-4D.
Example "ipconfig /all" output:
Ethernet adapter Wired:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : roundfile.com
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : ORiNOCO PC Card (5 Volt)
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-02-2D-11-55-4D

  • Click the Start Menu, then select Run
  • Type in "winipcfg" and click OK
  • Select the appropriate Ethernet adapter
  • Locate the number next to Adapter Address. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00-10-5A-44-12-B5.
Example "winipcfg" output:

  • From the Command Prompt
  • Type in "msd"
  • Select the Network... button
  • Locate the number next to Net01 ID:. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 0004E25AA118.
Example "msd.exe" output:
MSD Display

  • Wired (MacOS 10.2 and earlier)
    • From the dock, select System Preferences
    • Select Network, Select Location, Select Interface
    • Select TCP/IP Tab
    • Locate the number next to the Ethernet Address. This is your MAC address
  • Wired (MacOS 10.3 and later)
    • From the dock, select System Preferences
    • Select Network, Select Location, Select Interface
    • Select Ethernet Tab
    • Locate the number next to the Ethernet ID. This is your MAC address
  • Wireless (AirPort)
    • From the dock, select System Preferences
    • Select Network, Select Location, Select Interface
    • Select AirPort Tab
    • Locate the number next to the AirPort ID. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00:0D:93:13:51:1A.

  • From the Apple Menu, select Control Panels
  • Open either the Appletalk or the TCP/IP Control Panel
  • From the Edit Menu, select User Mode
  • Change the mode to Advanced or Admin
  • Click the Info Button (lower left hand corner)
  • An AppleTalk or TCP/IP window will pop up
  • Locate the number next to the Hardware Address. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00 0D 93 13 51 1A.

  • Make sure CAPS Lock is not on
  • Make sure the Macintosh is connected to an Ethernet network
  • From the Apple Menu, select Control Panels
  • Open the MacTCP Control Panel
  • Hold down the Option Key and click the Ethernet icon
  • Locate the number next to the Hardware Ethercard Address that appears beneath the icon. This is your MAC address
The MAC Address will be displayed in the form of 00 0D 93 13 51 1A.

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