Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mounting ISO in AIX

How do I use dd command to create an ISO image?

Put CD into CDROM
Do not mount CD. Verify if cd is mounted or not with mount command:
    # mount
If cd was mouted automatically unmout it with umount command:
    # umount /dev/cdrom
    # umount /mnt/cdrom
    Create CD-ROM ISO image with dd command:
    # dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/cdimg1.iso

Mounting ISO in AIX-
    Starting in AIX 6.1, you can use the loopmount command to create a loopback device and mount an ISO directly:
        #loopmount -i cdrom.iso -o “-V cdrfs -o ro” -m /mnt
    And, loopumount unmounts the ISO and removes the loopback device:
        #loopumount -i cdrom.iso -o "/mnt"
    There are a couple of gotcha's, but nothing unusual. An ISO can only be associated with one loopback device at a time,
    the mount is only readonly, and it's not supported in WPARs.

    There is another way to mount those images, but it's not a one-step process.
    What you need to do is create a LV at least as big as your ISO image,
    then copy the ISO data to that LV, and then mount the LV:

        #mklv -y cdlv -s n rootvg 704M hdisk0
        #dd if=cdrom.iso of=/dev/cdlv
        #mount -v cdrfs -o ro /dev/cdlv /mnt

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