Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Change snap reserve percentage of a snapmirrored volume

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decrease snapmirrored volume's snap reserve space percentage from default (20%) to 10%.
source: filer_A:source_vol
destination: filer_B:dest_vol

Subject: - change a volume's snap reserve space to 10%
Target Storage devices: ,
* In fact, you only need to change the snap reserve percentage on the source volume. No operation is required on the destination volumes.

1.      Decrease snap reserve percentage on the source volume
2.       Login to the device
3.      Check the aggregate capacity and current snap reserve space
> aggr show_space -h
> snap reserve source_vol
4. Change snapshot reserved space to 10%
> snap reserve source_vol 10
5. Check the new snap reserve space
> aggr show_space -h
> snap reserve source_vol

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