Thursday, December 10, 2015

Upgrade TSM from V6.3 to V7.1.3

Preparing the system

To prepare the system for the upgrade from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1, you must gather information about each DB2® instance. Then, back up the server database, save key configuration files, cancel sessions, and stop the server.


1> Log on to the computer where Tivoli® Storage Manager is installed.
[user@SERVER ~]$ sudo su - tsminst1

2> Obtain a list of DB2 instances. Issue the following system command:
[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$ /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2ilist
[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$

3>For each DB2 instance, note the default database path, actual database path, database name, database alias, and any DB2 variables that are configured for the instance. Keep the record for future reference. This information is required to restore the V6 database.

  1. Obtain the default database path of the DB2 instance by issuing the following system command:
[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$ . ~/sqllib/db2profile; LC_ALL=C db2 get dbm cfg | grep DFTDBPATH
Default database path (DFTDBPATH) = /home/tsminst1/tsminst1
[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$

b. Obtain information about the DB2 instance databases by issuing the following system command:

[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$ . ~/sqllib/db2profile; LC_ALL=C db2 list database directory

System Database Directory
Number of entries in the directory = 2
Database 1 entry:

Database alias = TSMAL001
Database name = TSMDB1
Node name = TSMNODE1
Database release level = d.00
Directory entry type = Remote
Catalog database partition number = -1
Alternate server hostname =
Alternate server port number =

Database 2 entry:

Database alias = TSMDB1
Database name = TSMDB1
Local database directory = /home/tsminst1/tsminst1
Database release level = d.00
Directory entry type = Indirect
Catalog database partition number = 0
Alternate server hostname =
Alternate server port number =

c. Obtain the DB2 instance variables by issuing the following system command:

[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$
[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$ . ~/sqllib/db2profile; LC_ALL=C db2set -all
[g] DB2INSTDEF=tsminst1
[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$

d. Obtain more DB2 instance information by saving the following files:

~/sqllib/userprofile  ~/sqllib/userprofile.Nov13.2015
~/sqllib/usercshrc ~/sqllib/usercshrc.Nov13.2015

Backup the TSM database and shut it down

5 > Connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server by using an administrative user ID ( tsmadmin )
6> Back up the Tivoli Storage Manager database.
backup db devc=dbsnapshot typ=dbs wait=yes 

tsm: TSM_SERVER>backup db devc=dbsnapshot typ=dbs wait=yes

ANR0984I Process 3 for Database Backup started in the FOREGROUND at 08:07:48 AM.
ANR4559I Backup DB is in progress.

ANR2287I Snapshot database backup started as process 3.
ANR4626I Database backup will use 1 streams for processing with the number originally requested 1.
ANR4558I Snapshot database backup (process 3) completed.
ANR0985I Process 3 for Database Backup running in the FOREGROUND completed with completion state SUCCESS at 08:15:02 AM.

7> Back up the device configuration information to another directory:

 tsm> backup devconfig
Tip: If you decide to restore the V6 database, this file is required.

8> Back up the volume history file to another directory.
backup volhistory filenames=/home/tsminst1/volhistory.backup

tsm: TSM_SERVER>backup volhistory filenames=/home/tsminst1/volhistory.backup

Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N)) yes

ANR2462I BACKUP VOLHISTORY: Server sequential volume history information was written to /home/tsminst1/volhistory.backup.


Tip: If you decide to restore the V6 database, this file is required.

9> Save a copy of the server options file, which is typically named dsmserv.opt.
# cp /home/tsminst1/tsminst1/dsmserv.opt /home/tsminst1/tsminst1/dsmserv.opt.`date +%F`

[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$ cp /home/tsminst1/tsminst1/dsmserv.opt /home/tsminst1/tsminst1/dsmserv.opt.`date +%F`
[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$ ls -l /home/tsminst1/tsminst1/dsmserv.opt
dsmserv.opt dsmserv.opt.2015-11-23 dsmserv.opt.Sep10.2015
[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$ ls -l /home/tsminst1/tsminst1/dsmserv.opt*
-rw------- 1 tsminst1 tsmsrvrs 712 Sep 10 15:50 /home/tsminst1/tsminst1/dsmserv.opt
-rw------- 1 tsminst1 tsmsrvrs 712 Nov 23 08:22 /home/tsminst1/tsminst1/dsmserv.opt.2015-11-23

10> Prevent activity on the server by disabling new sessions.

tsm> disable sessions client
tsm> disable
sessions server
tsm> query
tsm> cancel session all
This command cancels all sessions except for your current session.

tsm: TSM_SERVER>disable sessions client
ANR2553I Server now disabled for Client access.

tsm: TSM_SERVER>disable sessions server
ANR2553I Server now disabled for Server access.

tsm: TSM_SERVER>cancel session all

ANR0491I No matching session(s) found to cancel.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

13> Stop the server by issuing the following Tivoli Storage Manager administrative command:
tsm> halt

tsm: TSM_SERVER>halt

ANR2234W This command will halt the server; if the command is issued from a remote client, it may not be possible to restart the server from the remote location.
Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N)) yes
ANS8002I Highest return code was 11.

14> Verify that the server is shut down and no processes are running.
# ps -ef | grep dsmserv

[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$ ps -ef | grep dsmserv
tsminst1 29530 22504 0 08:28 pts/2 00:00:00 grep dsmserv
[tsminst1@TSM_SERVER ~]$

15> In the server instance directory of your installation, locate the NODELOCK file and move it to another directory, where you are saving configuration files. The NODELOCK file contains the previous licensing information for your installation. This licensing information is replaced when the upgrade is complete.

# mv /home/tsminst1/tsminst1/NODELOCK /home/tsminst1/NODELOCK.old

Stopped Operation center -
[root@TSM_SERVER tsminst1]# service opscenter.rc stop

Stopping server guiServer.

Server guiServer stopped.

[root@TSM_SERVER tsminst1]#

  1. Installing the V7.1 server and verifying the upgrade

To complete the process of upgrading the server from V6.3 to V7.1, you must install the V7.1 server. Then, verify that the upgrade was successful by starting the server instance.
Note - Run the upgrade as **root**
-check no processes are running
> # ps -ef |grep dsmserv
> If 'ulimit -Hf' not unlimited, make sure it is
  1. As root, use scp to transfer software package to a temporary directory on the TSM server that hosts the instance.
[root@TSM_SERVER Fix-pack]# pwd
[root@TSM_SERVER Fix-pack]# ls
[root@TSM_SERVER Fix-pack]#
  1. Add executable rights to the file
    root@host # chmod +x
  2. Execute the binary to extract the installation files
    root@host # ./
  3. We have two ways to execute the code. 1. command line and 2. GUI by exporting DISPLAY to VNC Session. I am using GUI at the moment. Set the session’s DISPLAY variable to a VNC session.
  4. Use VNC viewer to connect to the VNC session.
  5. Execute the script that was extracted from the binary. The install window will appear in the VNC window, not the AIX session.
    root@host: # ./
  6. Correct any errors that are detected during the installation process. To view installation log files, from the Installation Manager tool, click File > View Log. To collect log files, from the Installation Manager tool, click Help > Export Data for Problem Analysis.
  7. Select Install from menu.
  8. Select the Server and License features.
  9. Accept the defaults for the install directories.
  10. Under Install Packages, select IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition.
  11. Accept the license agreements.
  12. Under instance credentials, enter Instance name, password and verify.
    NOTE: If this step fails, contact administrator. Its trying to determine the password it can ssh to the server hostname without a root password prompt.
  13. Allow installation to proceed. It takes from 15-30 minutes.
  14. Once the install finishes, start the TSM server to verify that the upgrade was successful.
NOTE: Startup may take longer than usual as the installation will make database changes at this stage.
# /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.dsmserv -u tsminst1 -i /home/tsminst1/tsminst1 -q >/dev/console 2>&1 &

Note - If TSM serve do not start automatically after upgrade Please follow the steps. Automatically starting servers on Linux systems
  1. Verify that you can connect to the server by using the administrative client. To start an administrative client session, issue the following Tivoli Storage Manager administrative command:
# dsmadmc
TSM > query system
TSM > query db format=detailed

  1. Once the server starts responding, initiate another database full backup.
  1. Register the licenses for the Tivoli Storage Manager server components that are installed on your system by issuing the REGISTER LICENSE command:
For example, if you installed Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition in the /opt/tivoli/tsm directory, issue the following command:
TSM > register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmee.lic
  1. Verify all disk pools are online and enable client sessions.

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